ORCA Mobile
- Small size, light weight, and aesthetically appealing
- 50 KW – CHAdeMO protocol compliant
- Mobile mode versus permanent installation under covered area
- Intuitive plug and charge interface
- Wired and wireless (WiFi) communication options
- Remote control/monitoring from smartphone apps
- Point-of-sale (POS) options: credit card readers and prepaid RF ID cards
- Power input:
- AC (208/240/400/480V; 50/60Hz; single or three-phases)
- DC (200-700V)
- User-selection of charging power level (3 to 50 KW) and power cycles (power level and duration phases) to avoid grid overload
- Cable length options: 4, 6, 7.5, or 9 m (13, 20, 25, or 30 ft)
- Customization